A living book in stone

FULL DAY Tour Mysteries & Legends of Chartres Cathedral

Enter the world of the Knights Templar, Kings of France, Druidic Priests, the Celts, Pythagoras, Pilgrims, Black Madonna’s, Green Men and the Gothic Stonemasons.

Dive into the heart of sacred mystery with an exclusive journey that transcends time. Uncover the secrets of sacred geometry and walk the ancient path to enlightenment and hidden knowledge.

FULL DAY Tour Chartres Cathedral

For lovers of legend, mystery and knowledge

Do you love a good mystery? Do you have a quest for knowledge? A deep thirst for  hidden wisdom and secrets of our ancient traditions and legends. Do you love to uncover truths that lie beyond conventional understanding?

Then this new and exclusive tour is for you!

Dive into the symbolic, architectural, deep historical and spiritual layers of Chartres Cathedral. Guided by experts who unveil the cathedral’s esoteric teachings and ancient knowledge, satisfying your quest for deeper understanding and insight.

Chartres Cathedral, a masterpiece of Gothic architecture, stands as a testament to the sublime artistry and esoteric knowledge of the medieval builders. Our expert guides, well-versed in the symbolic language of sacred geometry, will reveal the cosmic patterns and divine proportions that underpin the cathedral’s structure. From the awe-inspiring rose windows to the enigmatic spires, pillars, crypt and alignment. You’ll unlock the secrets of this ancient space, where every stone whispers tales of the universe’s harmony.

The highlight of our tour is a meditative walk through the labyrinth, a powerful symbol of the spiritual journey and quest for enlightenment. This intricate path, laid out on the cathedral floor, serves as a metaphor for the journey of life, inviting introspection and transformation. As you trace its winding course, you’ll experience a profound connection to the pilgrims and seekers who have walked this path before you, finding clarity, peace, and a sense of unity with the divine.

Chartres Cathedral is dedicated to the Virgin Mary and the Green Man. Their presence permeates the sacred space, offering a profound experience of nature’s nurturing and transformative power. Explore the symbolism of the Madonna and the Green Man in the cathedral’s art and architecture, and discover how this venerable tradition echoes ancient reverence for the powers of nature. 

Learn about the cathedral’s siting on a ley line, a conduit of the Earth’s energy, and how this location amplifies the spiritual potency of Chartres. Our tour delves into the mystical significance of sacred sites and their role as bridges between heaven and earth, inviting you to attune to the subtle energies that flow through this holy place.

Join us for “The Mysteries of Chartres Cathedral: A living book in stone,” tour and immerse yourself in a day of enlightenment, beauty, and energetic awakening. 

  • This FULL DAY program starts at 09:00 until 21:00. 
  • Exclusive: maximum of 8 people. 
  • There is transportation from a central Paris location to Chartres and back. 
  • Delicious lunch and dinner in medieval style in amazing local restaurants (food and beverage not included). 


You’ll leave with a deeper appreciation for the cathedral’s beauty, a profound sense of connection, and insights that resonate with your mind and your soul’s journey.

Reserve your spot on this transformative journey today, and step into the illumination of Chartres Cathedral’s enduring mysteries.

Pilgrimage of illumination

Three-Day Purpose Retreat
"Activate Your Gifts" at Chartres

You have a cathedral of wonders within your being. A magical place of mystery filled with gifts, creativity and inspiration. It takes a cathedral to relight your own cathedral.

Meet the Cathedral of Chartres.

A life changing and unique experience of mind-body-spirit integration that activates your multi-dimensionality. Achieve more harmony and resonance in order to support your process of self awareness and mastery. Activating your gifts and creativity.  

Take the ultimate journey to self-knowledge,  your soul assignment. An initiation of your inner Cathedral.

Chartres has been a pilgrim’s destination for thousands of years. In ancient times our ancestors  came to this highly electromagnetically energized location for empowerment and inspiration. 

This magic is found in the earth, the water, the air, the stones and the light and It still works for us today. It works through resonance, frequency and illumination. 

During this three-day retreat you will experience this power and learn to harness it in order to build your own inner cathedral.

Three-Day Purpose Retreat at Chartres

For seekers of growth and purpose

Is this all there is? Who am I really? What do I want? 

You may, at times, feel overwhelmed and deeply challenged by both the rapid changes that are occurring around you and by the almost brutal internal conflicts and experiences you may be having.

Are you called to another path? Have you lost your inspiration and creativity ? Are you wondering who you really are?

The world is rapidly evolving, and the pressure waves of change are coming to you from all angles. There is no escape from this evolutionary force. You are imbedded in, and a part of, this cosmic evolution.

So what can you do to get clarity, inspiration and insights? 

Remember that you are a multidimensional being. Who has access to greater levels of consciousness and knowing, through your body, mind and spirit. Your holographic-light-body can open vast fields of information and life renewing energies if you know how to access it.

As an electromagnetic being. You live in a world of frequency, sound and vibration in a bio electric miracle of a body with a mind like a computer.

The labyrinth and the other ancient wisdom tools that we teach you replenish your imagination and restore your natural rhythm and help you regain contact with who you really are.

The combination of experiences in this retreat will synchronise you with the vibratory nature of the cosmos, the use of sacred geometry as a means to stimulate brain performance, and in the use of sound to activate psycho-spiritual experiences. 


Chartres was the most important ritual and sacred location in Celtic Gaul. The center of attention was a large, earth-covered dolmen and passage mound which originally stood where the apse of the cathedral now rises, erected during Neolithic (around 4000 BC). 

It was sacred to the Carnutes, a powerful Gaulish tribe, who had a Druid grotto dedicated to a pre-Christian virgin who they believed would conceive and bear a son. There is also a sacred well, the Well of the Strong, which can still be seen in the crypt.

The location is enhanced by the powerful telluric energies flowing through streams and converging beneath this Cathedral. These currents create a light electromagnetic charge which influences the visitor.

“Every human being comes to earth with sealed orders”. 

– Soren Kierkegaard

What can you expect?

  • You will connect to a soft, loving and healing energy
  • You will be placed on your path
  • You will gain clarity and insight to your questions
  • You will regain your creative flow
  • You will gain new knowledge 
  • You will leave changed
  • And more………..


At the end of this retreat,  you will have made a shift in your awareness in order to gain more clarity on your next steps in life.

You will have used tools and experienced insights that give you the strength, energy and inspiration to take the steps necessary to manifest. 

On your path to your purpose and passion, finding and sharing your gifts, leading more fulfilling lives and serving as an instrument of love, peace, inspiration and healing in the world.

The labyrinth

We will be incorporating the profound transformative powers of the Medieval Eeleven-circuit Labyrinth at Chartres Cathedral. Releases a psychospiritual process of discovery that organically unfolds in our lives.

Sacred Geometry

Thought forms from the source of creation that lead to materialisation. Packets of divine consciousness, A language of creation. Basis of creation.

Sound codes

The sound codes are direct vibrational messengers from the highest light realms. When you engage this meditation properly you are interacting with a force that can, and will, transform the subtle circuits within your body aligning you with the evolving universe you are a part of

Druidic Ritual

An ancient wisdom tradition, the purpose and power of Druidic rituals lie in their ability to attune us to the natural rhythms of the earth, to foster harmony between humanity and the natural world, and to facilitate our connection with the divine forces that permeate all existence.

Shamanic journeying

Shamanic journeying is a consciousness expanding practice involving guided visualization and sound to enter a trance state, connecting with your source for guidance, healing, and insight. It offers deep self-exploration and a unique way to access subconscious wisdom and emotional healing.

“I am amazed by the number of people who begin to find their life’s purpose and shape their life’s work through walking the labyrinth……It is as though the labyrinth “births“ people into their gifts. …the unfolding of people lives is quite dramatic when this powerful archetypal  energy is activated.”

Lauren Artress (Episcopal Priest, Author and Founder of Veriditas, the World-Wide Labyrinth Project since 1996. ) 

Included in the retreat: 

  • 1 intake and 1 outtake
  • 2 coaches
  • 2 facilitated labyrinth walks
  • 3 lectures about the cathedral, sacred geometry and the labyrinth 
  • 2 workshops on applied sacred geometry and sound codes
  • 1 druidic water ritual
  • take-home manual
  • and much more!

For more information on this new and exclusive three-day retreat at Chartres please go to the “Book your ticket” option. 

Ancient Wisdom Tours, Retreats and Coaching

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